About Me

My name is James Scott. This site is my notebook to record ideas, research, and reflections. My purpose is to share, connect, and leave behind something I hope will be of value. I welcome comments and dialog: send me an email, or comment on one of my posts. If we’ve met, connect with me on Facebook.

I was born in the United States, and lived in Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Kansas, and Washington. I spent two years living in Russia as a missionary in the late 1990s. For the last decade plus, I’ve lived in Ireland with my wife Kayla and our four children.

I graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in International Studies and minors in Business Management and Middle Eastern Studies, and later completed my MBA at the University of Idaho. For my professional profile, visit LinkedIn.

This site contains original research on my family history. If you’re one of my relations, click on the family name to see relevant information: ScottLiechty, Rittel.

In my university days I conducted research on a 19th-century religious sect in Russian known as Mormons (but not related to the Mormon or Latter-day Saint movement based in the United States). Read more about the Russian Mormons (Русские мормоны, Самарские мормоны).

I’ve spent more time than I care to recall making digital content for a city-builder game called Foundation. You can check out my many mods at mod.io, or visit my Youtube modding and game development channel.

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